
Survival 102 October 25-27


This is a course where we provide controlled environment to learn and practice basic essential survival skills when you may need to be mobile.

Location: Kentucky

Dates: Friday-Sunday

Skill level: Beginner and up

Age Requirement: Anyone under the age of 18 must be companied by a parent or guardian.

You will not need to book a place to stay, nature will provide. This is an immersive experience going over global principles for survival and how to adapt to your local environment and biome. We will cover the 5 basics of survival (Communication, Navigation, Personal Protection, Sustenance, and Medical) with a heavier focus on accurate and effective land navigation. It is recommended that you already have a base line knowledge of how a map and compass work. And that you are in good enough shape to carry everything you will need with you for two days of heard work in rough wooded terrain regardless of weather conditions. 

Would you like to know more? Here's a packing list for the course.